I just found some budgie drawings in my sketchbook and its as if they flew out to me. I did say i was loving the animals but now I'm loving the birds,,, soooo iv edited the flamingo and magpies and they look good. The magpies are going to go on greeting cards. But with my budgies i had a massive rush of love. Thought id blog this down so that i get started, have had too many distractions last week and now with this lightning bolt am going to get it to happen. Here is one of the lovely Budgies (unedited) who will make an appearance. I personally wont screen printing this but do the artwork. The plan is to do a collage with some of the ideas from my inspirations, not sure how they will look together but hey.... Ill blog back tomorrow to let you know how i get on getting some IT support and sourcing a printer who can make the prints from my artwork.